CAPS Curriculum
Pre-RR & R
In the 3-to-5-year groups, all skills, language and cognitive facts that were taught in the younger groups, are extended. Lessons are planned and prepared to meet the needs of each specific age group.
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Grade R
In grade R we continue to extend the children in all areas of their development. CAPS curriculum is followed and use it as a guideline to teach mathematics, language and Life Skills.
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Grade 1 - 4
Grade 1 to 4 is a discovery race – exciting and lots of fun. Learning can only be successful when a learner is happy. Therefore we strive to encourage a stress-free environment where each learner can flourish.
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Why Our School is the Right Fit for Your Child?
Here at Mountview Primary School we believe in a well-balanced lifestyle. That is why we give special attention to Education, Sport and Culture.
Well Trained Professionals
Smaller Classes (20)
Teaching Innovatively
Million Magic Moments
Milestones Captured & Shared, so you feel like you're there.
Our Million Magic Moments ethos ensures that every child’s journey is filled with unforgettable experiences, captured and shared with parents daily through our innovative Magic Moments photos. We believe in keeping parents actively involved in their child’s education by providing glimpses into their growth, achievements, and moments of happiness, fostering a strong connection between school and home. Join us in creating a community where every moment counts and every child’s journey is celebrated with joy and wonder.
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Our Focus Points
Smaller Classes
Smaller classrooms limited to 20 learners per class
Individual Attention
Smaller classrooms enable us to give better individual attention to learners
CAPS Curriculum
Enriched with focus on Maths, Reading, and Technology
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics
Robotics & Coding
Robotics & Coding as subject to all learners
"Creativity takes courage" - Henri Matisse
Sport Facilities
We offer a variety of sport programs
Chess as part of the curriculum (Problem solving and math skills)
School Hours
08:00 - 15:00 (sport and homework during the school day)
School Everyday
We have more than enough space to practice social distancing (if needed)
Aftercare until 17:15 if needed (extra fee)
Parallel Medium
English & Afrikaans
We build good relationships, inspire and love to stay in touch and get feedback from our current and previous Mountview Primary School family.
Marcus Buxmann
George Preprimêre Skool het vir my ‘n sterk fondasie geskep waarop ek myself kon bou.
Ek het geleer dat jy elke dag hard moet werk en dat daar altyd kans is om nog te speel en jouself te geniet. Harde werk word beloon.
Wat onthou jy van dit wat julle gedoen het? Daai borrels blaas!!
Charl en Elsia Bester
Ons het ‘n 5 jaar pad met die personeel en kinders van George Preprimêr gestap. En kyk dit was net een lang plesierrit. Nie alleen leer hulle al vroeg-vroeg van wimpers, ooghare en naeltjies nie. Maar ook van lekker speel, lekker sing en lekker konsert hou. Ons onthou so goed as ons dogters by die huis gekom het met ‘n nuwe rympie of ‘n nuwe liedjie, dan moes die hele gesin saam sing en saam opsê. Dit is ‘n skool wat ons met ‘n oop gemoed sal aanbeveel. Die deernis van die personeel is merkbaar. Hulle was daar vir elke stukkie pret, lag en ook om trane af te vee. Elke les wat die onnies voorberei het, elke uitstappie, elke aktiwiteit was deeglik beplan. Ons was deel van GPP se pretstappe, kermisse, Eisteddfod opvoerings en konserte. Ons dogters het as klein kindertjies daar ingestap en as jong, dinamiese kinders daar uitgestap. Dankie GPP!
Wat kan ek onthou van George Preprimêr:
Ek het geleer om altyd eerste die hoeke te bou van ‘n legkaart. Ons het elke Vrydag ook ‘n legkaart kompetisie gehou.
Dinsdae was dit poppekas. Ons het so lekker gelag vir die poppe. Ek onthou ook as ons klaar was met ons takies kon ons in die klas se pophuis speel. Ek was mal daarvoor.
Wat kan ek onthou van George Preprimêr:
Een van my gunsteling herinneringe was wanneer die hele skool op ‘n Vrydagoggend die Here se naam te loof en prys. As almal eers saam sing was dit regtig onvergeetlik. O ja, en toe ons op fietse kon ry: dit was altyd ‘n resies om te kyk wie die pienk en pers fiets met die tossels aan die kante eerste kon kry. George Preprimêr sal vir altyd n goeie herinnering wees!